Do you have questions about agricultural practices? Here you can find information on every step of making food, from growing the ingredients to baking.

Pumps You Can Consider for Your Farm’s Irrigation Needs

21 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Arable farming can be quite lucrative, as long as you have a constant supply of water. This is why a significant number of farmers invest in irrigation systems to ensure that their crops flourish. It should be noted though that for our irrigation system to work at optimum, you would need a constant supply of water. To facilitate this, it would be prudent to consider investing in bore pumps. Here are some of the different pumps that you can contemplate for your irrigation system. Read More …

Reasons to Enlist the Services of Water Testing Labs

5 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Not many homeowners will consider testing their drinking water as they believe it is sanitary. However, there come some instances when it is pertinent to seek the services of water testing labs. For instance, in the event that your drinking water begins to show signs of discolouration or gives off a foul odour, then these could be signs that it is unsafe for consumption. If your primary source of drinking water is from a well, then it would be necessary to have it regularly tested. Read More …

About Me
From Field to Table: Re-framing Agricultural Methods and Purposes

Hi, my name is Gina, and I worked in commercial kitchens for years. As the local food movement became more popular over the last few decades, I began to think heavily about the source of the foods I was cooking, and ultimately, I decided that I wanted to get my hands dirty. Instead of just cooking, I wanted to grow my own food. Now, I know every step of the process of creating something as simple as a whole wheat bagel, and that includes everything, from growing and grinding the wheat, to kneading the dough, to pulling the bagel out of the oven. I also understand this process for a range of other dishes. If you have questions or concerns about agricultural processes or methods, I hope you find the info you need here.
